August 12, 2010


Two words, used independently of one another are all right... but strung together in the right order they're even more remarkable. The words? ‘Day’ and ‘Off’.

That's right folks...I've taken the day off. I kicked the weekend off early, by taking Thursday and Friday off. Given the stress of the last several months, it was the least I could do. I thought it was an outstanding idea. So my good friend, Ruan and I had steak for lunch and went to Fro-Yo for dessert and shopped more than you could shake a stick at. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the hours stretching out in front of me but I know one thing for damn sure - I won't be working. Not even a teensy weensy little bit.

Maybe I'll catch up on some of my favorite blogs. Maybe I'll learn the ancient and traditional art of ninja fighting. Maybe I'll hop over to the Middle East and work on that whole peace thing. Or I can just sit on my ass. Also thanks to the folks at Nokia India, I won't be thinking too much about it while I'm spending quality time with my new Nokia X6!

I wade through the usual music sites about a couple of times a week and it’s fairly rare that anything really catches my attention. About once every other while, however, I am pleasantly amazed by a message from a friend that contains a little musical gem.

This cover of ‘Ayo Technology’ (originally performed by 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland) by Belgian singer-songwriter, Milow, turned out pretty good I think. To be fair the remainder of the album ‘Milow’ (2009) is decent, but it’s nowhere near the level of this cover.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by or is currently following EC. And, as always, enjoy the music.