January 23, 2009

Friday Musings

Today's assortment of completely incoherent and random thoughts has been brought to you by an actified (make that four) and the symptoms of a flu:

- I re-he-he-ly want a tattoo. The ones that make no sense but aren’t stupid either. Gigantic and bold… yeah!

- Life would be so much more fun if people could hear the songs that play in my head when they pass by.

- Sometimes I lay awake at night wondering if my left leg is longer than my right leg… and it's totally the fault of my twitchy brain syndrome.

- How is it possible that I never run out of falling in love with songs I discover every single day?

- I've been watching back to back episodes of Law & Order SVU as a way to pass the evenings at home after work and it has me feeling very inspired to be an Indian Wonder Woman.

- How does someone become a super spy-fighting machine? I think that's something I want to aim at doing before I turn fifty or something.

- Noodles or Pasta for dinner??

- Fall in love or not to fall in love?

- I want to go bald! I don’t find red hair exciting anymore.

- Tonight's fantasy threesome: Me, Channing Tatum and Hugh Jackman.

- No more cold medicine for me.
I’ve been a fan of KT Tunstall since she took her first few steps to the microphone and it’s been a delight to watch her move from behind the curtain out into worldwide acclaim. And rightly so I might add. If you don’t really recognize the track it’s not your fault. This is one of those tracks that were forgotten by the world. I haven’t had a chance to preview all her songs, but this track alone has made me excited to hear what Miss Tunstall has cooked up on her albums. The song ‘Heal over’ has a special place in my heart because it was Imcha’s gift to me. Living miles apart from each other has made us accept what we are left with on our road to ambition. Music is the key ingredient that has kept our friendship going and it will be music that will keep us together no matter what happens. I love the lines ‘Everybody sails alone, But we can travel side by side’. The lyrics are what really make this song into a brilliant piece of music. This is music that is meant to be turned up annoyingly loud and blasted throughout your house {or work, if no one else is there}. Long story short it is simply a good song. If you’re looking for some healing or just plain ol’ good music then ‘Heal Over’ serves as an excellent starting point to really get to know what KT Tunstall’s music is all about.